Part 1 - Set the goal now for tomorrows benefit.
Part 2 - Growing and staying green.
Part 3 - Understanding your market.
Part 4 - Trend versus trend setting.
Part 5 - Investing in your knowledge.
Part 1 - Set the goal now for tomorrows benefit
No matter what aspect of your life you are talking about, goal setting is a crucial factor throughout it all. As you will see, each of the decisions you make as an entrepreneur will affect your overall goal of being successful with your business. Yet, there is more to it than just that.
You should also set goals because they can help you to make the right decisions throughout the process of getting to the level of success that is coming. By investing the time and energy that you have in setting goals now, you help yourself for each decision it takes to reach the end result you are hoping for.
In other words, if you set some overall goals today, you can help insure that your business will be there and be prosperous throughout the future of the business. Goals now, count.
While we all have the same goal of finding success in the future, we still need to set goals to help us to get to that point. It doesn’t happen overnight!
How To Set Goals Successfully
When it comes to setting goals, there are not many of us that are very good at doing so. There are plenty of opportunities for mistakes to be made, but the real problem comes in how we set them as well as what we do once we set them.
For starters, it is essential to know what your goals are. Take a few minutes right now to figure this out. Simply sit down with a blank sheet of paper (yes, you can use your computer too!) and avoid all distractions for ten minutes.
Write down anything and everything that comes to your mind in regards to your goals.
Part 2 - Growing and staying green
When you are green, you are growing. Once you start to turn red, you are expiring. Don’t you want to always stay green then?
As an entrepreneur, one thing that you should realize is that the world never stays the same. You are, for the most part, always going to find some changes happening. As a business owner, if you can not adjust your business to those changes, you may find yourself facing more problems then benefits.
Many companies have had to go out of business simply because their product no longer works with what the consumer needs. It does not matter what type of business you have either. The bottom line is that if you are not green and growing, you are not going to make it in business for long.
Is your business green and growing?
The Long Term Goal
The long term goal of any business situation is to insure that they are able to meet the needs of the client or consumer. If they can not do this, they can not have consumers and will eventually fall out of the scope. If they do happen to do this, they will find rewards continuously with increased profit and new customers to fill their pockets.
In this case, the long term goal that you need to make is to maintain green. You need to maintain some aspect that will continuously help you to move forward with what is happening within your business.
If you are not sure why this is important, take for instance, the current situation.
Enter The Car Manufacturing Business
Today, we hear quite a bit of talk about energy cost, the cost of gas and all that goes with it. In fact, today, more people know what the cost of a barrel of crude oil is than they ever have. Why is this; and what does this do for the industry?
Part 3 - Understanding your market
One thing that we do need to mention is hat the market that you face is likely to be much different than the market that someone else faces. The goals that you have in comparison to the goals of someone else are much different. In fact, you are sure to see yourself striving for benefits that are not on target for your business.
First off, take a step back, out of the picture and look at your market.
If you are selling on the internet, look at the other sellers.
If you are a small local business owner, step back and look at your local market.
Whatever you are doing, step back.
To Consider Now
The market that you work in is very dependant on who your customers are. If you are looking for immediate success, just opening your doors can help you to get started. But, in looking at your market, you can better see several things.
Ask yourself and answer these questions before moving forward.
• Who is my customer? The seniors or the children, the business women or the business owner…determine who your customer is.
• How do they find you? Do they find you online, through a simple web search? Do they need to find you through an affiliate link? Do they find you in their local area, in one of the most popular areas in the city?
• Who else is out there? Who is your competition? Where are they located? What do they offer that allows you to better them? How do they better you in your marketplace? Why are they open, pulling business away from you?
• What do you offer that is better, in some way, then the other guy? What do they offer that is better in some way than you?
• Where is your market going? Is the economy growing, stalling out, or is it holding steady? What amount of money do your customers have to spend on your product?
Part 4 - Trend versus trend setting
Is your business a trend setter? Or, do you follow the trend?
If you are not sure, consider how this plays a role in your future.
As a trend setter, you are always one step ahead of the game. What you do, others look up to, but not just this one time. If you can manage to do this often, setting the trend that is, you can even create the fact that you will have others looking to you to set the next trend.
On the other hand, if you are following the trend, things are not so great. You will have to make up time for the other product or business that is doing well. You have lost precious sales time in the process. In addition, you will always need to watch the other guy for what is going to happen next, instead of being in charge of what that is. This can be a challenging place to be, actually.
Take a minute now to think about where you are in this equation.
Do you tend to follow the lead of someone else, hoping that there will be enough in the pot for you too? Or, do you seek out something new and exciting and try to incorporate that into your business?
Depending on where you stand currently should help you to see just how this affects your long term goals and ability to reach the success that you want.
Long Term Trend?
We all know that trends come and go. You should also realize that not every one of them is the right way to go for each business. Yet, the trend is something to pay attention to when looking at your long term success.
As we mentioned, the benefits of setting the trend in your market place are not just based on the basics of the sale. Sure, if you can get a monopoly on a product for a few days, weeks or longer, you are going to have some awesome sales to take advantage of.
Yet, those sales are soon gone. In the short term, that is all that matters. But, in this case, we are talking about the long term goals here.
Part 5 - Investing in your knowledge
If you are like many entrepreneurs, then you know that it is essential to have a good deal of knowledge when it comes to running your business.
As we have talked about, it is important to make sure that those that are providing you with the necessary information are doing so without taking all of your money just so that you can spend more.
For example, some of the most common mistakes the entrepreneurs that are just starting out make is that they just keep purchasing information. This is especially true of those that are starting a business online.
There is no doubt that you do need to have a good amount of knowledge to make something happen. You need to know how to get started, you need to know what steps to take and you need to know just where to do all of this. But, there is a limit.
One thing that you should take into consideration is your ability to make decisions. Once you have purchased the latest tell all kit, realize that you are ready to make some decisions.
If you purchase one kit or program and see another that seems to offer some additional benefits, you may be tempted purchase that one too. After all, it can not hurt to have some more information, can it?
It doesn’t hurt to have a good amount of information, except for the pocketbook, of course. Yet, that is not the problem. What the problem is what you do with it.
A Principle
There are a number of things that you can do to make this happen to you. Remember this principle.
If you find yourself purchasing one product after another product, you are not thinking about your next productive move, but rather holding yourself up.
If you purchase a product to benefit your business or to start a business, it is essential for you to use it and get the most out of it prior to moving on to the next purchase.
So I edge through the blog categories and get something that can seriously benefit you now and in the long run.
All the best in your entrepreneurship experience.